Harai Clinic for Mental Health
The Harai Clinic is founded by Hiroaki Harai, MD to provide medical care and behavioral therapy for patients and their families suffering from OCD-related problems. The diagnosis of most of the patients is OCD and related disorders, but specific phobias, social anxiety, and panic disorder, are also the targets of the clinic. One-tenth of the patients are children, and the clinic pays special attention to meeting adolescents’ needs. Dr. Harai has 34 years of experience. He is not only a psychiatrist but also a trainer of Motivational Interviewing and a supervisor of behavior therapy. The clinic emphasizes person-centered care, and its staffs use Motivational Interviewing and respect patients’ autonomy. Dr. Harai is bilingual, and clients who speak English are also accepted. The service for clients who can not communicate in Japanese is not covered by Japanese National Health Insurance. The charge for the first intake visit is 22,000 JPY including tax.
About Dr. Harai
Dr. Harai is a board certified psychiatrist (JSPN) and a certified behavior therapist (JABT). During over 30 years of his clinical practice, he committed to improving quality of care and treatment outcomes for patients with mental and behavioral disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD) in particular, through the state of art expertise to deliver evidence supported therapies.
He accepted over 500 new referrals a year. Most of them were diagnosed as either anxiety disorder or/and depressive disorder. Dr. Harai is the chief psychiatrist and behavior therapist for OCD treatment program. This program takes over 4,000 new referrals of patients with OCD since its inception. His website appears in the first page of the major search engine results of OCD in Japanese. One of the popular Japanese magazines, “Shukan Asahi” featured him as one of the best doctors for OCD in Japan. Also, nationwide TV networks broadcasted the program four times.
He was trained as a trainer of Motivational Interviewing (MI) at Crete June, 2003, and is a member of Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT Inc.) since then. He is the first trainer of MI in East Asia. He has been offering trainings on regular basis for various healthcare workers including correction officers in Japan and Korea. In Nov. 2012, he was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of MINT by-election. In Aug. 2013, he was appointed as an associate clinical professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Hawai’i. He is a member of American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association and Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and other similar Japanese associations.
His research activities are mostly clinical. He has authored four books, many papers, and chapters mainly about learning theory, applications of cognitive behavior therapy for emotional disorders, Motivational Interviewing and research methods.
He is also known as a proficient translator and interpreter. Notable works are two Atul Gawande’s books; “Better” and “Being Mortal.” He has interpreted late Hans Eysenck, Isaac Marks, William R. Miller, Richard Kogan, Robert Meyers, etc.
You can find his detailed c.v. here.
Guidance for whom need help
You need prior appointments. Please call us at 03-3538-6055.
Access and Business information
Harai Clinic and Harai Consulting & Training Inc. Director Hiroaki HARAI M.D.
Address: 2 Floor Fujiki Bldg. 2-6-6 Kyobashi Chuo-ku Tokyo JAPAN 104-0031
Phone: +81-3-3538-6055 Fax: +81-3-3538-6056
email: yoyaku@harai.net website: https://www.harai.net https://www.harai.co.jp
Access: Takaracho station on Asakusa Line, Kyobashi station on Ginza LIne, or Tokyo Station JR Line.
Bank info: Beneficiary Bank MIZUHO BANK, LTD. SWIFT code, BIC code MHCBJPJT Branch Name Hamamatsucho BRANCH Beneficiary's Account Number 148-1689569 Beneficiary Name Harai Consulting & Training Inc.